smartAKIS Dataset
Active optical sensor for variable nitrogen application
Samborski, S.M.; Gozdowski, D.; Stepień, M.; Walsh, O.S.; Leszczyńska, E.
Side-by-side comparisons of uniform and variable N application revealed inconsistent benefits in terms of grain yield, grain protein content (GPC), N use and N use efficiency (NUE) across five site-years. Anticipated yield increases and/or reduced N rates are typical drivers for active optical sensor (AOS) adoption. Significant yield increases are not easily attained on farms with winter wheat yields already close to maximum yield potential. Thus, sensor-based variable N rate recommendations for fields previously fertilized with relatively low uniform N rates would often entail more appropriate allocation (redistribution) of the same amount of total N. This would minimize N surplus in areas of lower productivity and to improve the sustainability of N management overall.
- European Union
TRL 5 (technology validated in relevant environment)
- Reacting or variable rate technology
- Farm Management Information System application or App
Technology effect on
- fertilization
- scouting of crop and/or soil