Source: smartAKIS
Last update: 05-03-24
365FarmNet is Europe’s major, multiple award-winning software for all farm management systems whatever the size or type of operation. The 365FarmNet platform works across all manufacturers and sectors and its integrated partner applications cover all the f...
Source: FAIRshare
Last update: 01-02-25
AGROasesor include different DATS to provide professional advice in different topics: irrigation, fertilization, varietal, diseases and sustainability KPIs
ATLAS - open digital service platform for agricultural applications
Source: DESIRA
Last update: 01-09-23
open digital service platform for agricultural applications to allow interoperability of machinery
AgLeader Guidance & Monitoring Systems
Source: smartAKIS
Last update: 05-03-24
DISPLAYS Whether you are new to precision farming, or you've been doing it for years, one thing is clear: the display you choose is the hub of any successful operation. That's why Ag Leader gives you three choices that are easy to use, feature-rich and co...
Agreo / Atland : Farm Management Software
Source: smartAKIS
Last update: 05-03-24
Agreo and atland are two innovative web based solutions offering management tools: - for the farm to farmers - support tools for their consultancy activity to advisors (recommendations data recording, services like fertilization balance, Common Agricultu...
Source: smartAKIS
Last update: 05-03-24
AGRICOLUS is a cloud applications ecosystem for precision farming with multiple purposes: disease awareness and forecasts, crop monitoring, decision support system for treatments and fertilizers, farm management and end to end traceability bringing valuabl...
Animal Welfare scan - Dierenwelzijnsscan
Source: FAIRshare
Last update: 01-02-25
Determine the level of animal welfare on the company
Autonomos apiary
Source: DESIRA
Last update: 01-09-23
Remote monitoring of apiaries for improved work efficiency and animal welfare
Blockchain voor agentschap natuur en bos
Source: DESIRA
Last update: 01-09-23
Improving traceability and reducing administration needs for the forestry organization in flanders
Cloud-based harvest management information system
Source: smartAKIS
Last update: 05-03-24
The harvest process for specialty crops is generally one of intensive activity because many people are required for harvest and packing, and the harvest window is brief due to the high perishability of the produce. Herein we present a cloud-based Harvest M...
Crop rotation and fertilization planning tool
Source: FAIRshare
Last update: 01-02-25
Crop rotation and fertilization planning tool
Data Warehouse
Last update: 16-09-24
Data Warehouse is an innovative data management tool that gives Trimble customers – including large enterprise and production farm managers – access to key subsets of data in order to independently create reports and dashboards.
EASY-CERT Blockchain Service
Source: DESIRA
Last update: 01-09-23
simplify traceability of organic products across the value chain
Electronic Record of Transactions and Operations (RETO)
Source: FAIRshare
Last update: 01-02-25
Electronic recording of transactions and operations (RETO)